About me

Welcome to my personal webpage!

I am interested in a broad range of fields, including Computational Finance, Quantitative Resaerch, and Data Science.

Growing up in Suzhou, China, and then going to the US for college, I have embraced a journey enriched by cultural diversity and linguistic exploration. At college, I studied French and Japanese out of my interests—French because I love Modernism and Japanese because I love Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure! During my junior year, I studied away in Paris, France, living with a lovely host family at the beautiful small town of Saint Mandes. I enjoy classic rock music, particularly the works of Bob Dylan and Lou Reed, carrying a passion to collect their vinyl records. Currently, I am lucky to be studying in the vibrant New York City, where everything is just within a grip.

This space is a tapestry of my academic journey, professional experiences, and personal interests. Whether you’re a fellow professional, a curious learner, or just dropping by, I hope you find something here that inspires you, sparks a conversation, or enriches your day. Feel free to connect with me through this platform – I’m always open to new ideas, collaborations, or just a friendly chat. Thank you for visiting, and enjoy exploring:)